Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gravity: Best Backdrop Ever

From the opening scene, Gravity blankets the background of each shot with earth, entrenching every moment with unique perspective.  Even being alone, floating silently in space seems to be a small thing in the face of the seemingly living, all-engulfing, blue/green sphere.   A category 5 hurricane looks small and beautiful, even harmless and pristine.   The hue of the ocean magnifies it's universal sense of calm and the zigzagging, rugged land stretches and turns with no signs, borders or indication of indifference.  The grandeur of it all is staggering but the story is simple: two people in space fighting to live.  The title refers to more than the earth's permeating attractive force; something far from thought when watching weightless mass float magically in space.  But the movie calibrates at every turn, adding more and more weight, making things heavier with each moment; giving the film a sense of gravity itself.

First time space traveler and scientist Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) and experienced shuttle pilot Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) are in space working on the Hubble Telescope.  They've been warned by Houston's control center that satellite debris traveling faster than a bullet is headed their way.  Without much time for escape the shuttle gets pummeled by orbiting shrapnel and Stone gets propelled into space.   As she's spinning out of sight into nothingness, the earth's bellowing presence gives one the sense of her physical and mortal insignificance.  A spinning speck in the darkest abyss.  I remember seeing Deliverance as a teen and being awed by the story of human capability, especially with the reality of doom.  Since, I have often wondered of my own capabilities and limitations in the presence of  assured defeat.  But this isn't killer rednecks here, this is hopelessness personified.  This is outer space.  Stone is to be defeated by a faceless foe, by darkness itself.  

The triumph of human will is celebrated in prose.   It is often the backdrop of many films and books.  It is something man gravitates toward without reasoning.  The idea that anyone, regardless of talent, accompanied with the right mindset can achieve hero status or conquer a nation.  That ordinary can accomplish extraordinary.  Or, in other words, a spinning space speck can stop spinning and will itself back to earth.   And no story of human triumph would exist without the accompaniment of self-sacrifice.  Eventually, with the aid of a prototype jet pack, Kowalski finds Stone and tethers himself to her.  They then head toward the international space station.  Stone admits some personal stuff to Kowalski and begins illustrating the why behind an obvious and physically expressed sadness.  Kowalski is mr. cool, a 'been-there-done-that' sort of guy.  He latter becomes the sacrificial lamb that would act as catalyst for Stone to save herself.  He has far less emotional baggage and therefore less emotional gravity.  He doesn't have a problem with letting go. 

Gravity (the film) screams various depths of uniqueness, it's incomparable nature allows it to stand out in film cannon and it's timeless essence gives it a hopeful sense of longevity.  I don't recall having such a visceral and genuine reaction to any other film.  The perspective of life and death played in the foreground of a silent world is more then just a mechanism or artificial devise.  It's more than a metaphoric vehicle and more than a genius digital accomplishment.  It is, in essence, the realization of one's own flaw-filled and ego-driven perspective hallowed out to insignificance.  The world is so much bigger and heavier than what we see, yet what we see makes us feel bigger than what we are.   In other words, gravity is metaphysically pulling at our mass both physically and emotionally.  The less baggage we have and the less 'weight' we carry, the less earthbound we are.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I Miss You Already

It was little more than a year ago that I was flying back home from somewhere. As I was waiting in Phoenix to catch the puddle jumper plane back to Yuma, a man walked by.  He looked really familiar. I was pretty sure that he was from my ward in Yuma. Over the past few years, I had become very introverted, especially at church.  I wasn't planning on talking to him.  Truth be told, I was hoping he wouldn't notice me.

He came up to me and asked if I was Brother Love. I told him that I was and asked what his name was.  He said his name was Jack.  I told him that I recognized him from my ward.  We started to talk. The seating in the waiting area was full and so we sat around the corner.  We started talking about what brought us to Yuma. It was a great conversation. It was so good that we didn't even notice that they had called our flight... three times. They were just about ready to shut the doors when we heard the last call and scrambled to the door before it was too late.

A few weeks later, Jack asked if I wanted to watch the last Batman movie with him. It was the beginning of a great friendship.

Over the years, I have had some painful experiences with people whom I trusted. As a result, I have been less and less willing to be vulnerable with anyone.  The result is a double edged sword. One side allows me to not be hurt because I don't let anyone in.  The other side is that I felt exceptionally lonely. I needed friends who I could hang out with and share things with. But I wasn't willing to open up... AT ALL.

I realized that I needed to be willing to be more open, but at the same time I wasn't willing to try.  And then Jack came over to me in the Phoenix airport, I thought I would give it a shot.

Jack loves golf.  I had never played a day in my life (unless of course you count miniature golf).  My wife had bought me golf clubs two Christmas's ago and they have sat in my garage ever since.  Jack invited  me to play a round with him.  He has a knack for getting someone to do something outside of his comfort zone.  He was patient with me as he taught me how to swing the clubs and understand the game. It was a most amazing day for me.  It healed a part of me that has been wounded for a very long time.

Jack and I started talking about our passions and desires. We both like to write.  We decided to start a blog together.  This is it.  Jack is the other geek dad.

Since that time, Jack and I have spent a lot of time together. We have grown to be great friends.  My relationship with him has been healing  in so many ways. I believe him to be one of my closest friends.

Last Monday, Jack moved to out of town for a new job opportunity. It was only been a week and I miss him already. I just wanted to publicly share my appreciation for you, Jack.  I appreciate your authenticity. I appreciate your deep desire to be the best father you can be and the example that you set as you interact with your family.  I am so grateful for your testimony and your reaching to be a better man - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I appreciate your kindness and that you see good in me.

Thank you, Jack, for being willing to come talk to me at the airport.  I am so glad you did.  It was one of those life changing moments... and it has truly changed my life.

I think of this Irish Blessing:
May the Road Rise up to meet you
May the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall softly on your fields.

And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

May there always be angels to watch over you
To guide you each step of the way
To bless you and keep you safe from all harm
And may you need never to banish misfortune
May you find kindness in all that you meet

Thank you, Jack, for being my friend. I will always be your friend.  God be with you.

- Troy